Giving back to what has given us so much.
Long Beverage is committed to helping local organizations make a difference in people’s lives. From Duke Children’s Hospital to the Jimmy V Foundation Long beverage supports the local community. Rodney Long founded the Corona Cares campaign that has been very successful in its mission.
After the passing of Crockett Long in 2022, Long Beverage and Constellation continued his legacy of supporting pediatric cancer research. In 2023, the annual Golf For Victory Over Cancer in memory of David “Crockett” Long was established. In its first two years, it has raised almost a half million dollars.
The following are organizations which receive our support on a regular basis.
NC Beer and Wine Distributors, including Long Beverage, are locally owned and operated businesses that promote responsibility and moderation. They support local education programs, charity events, and public service initiatives designed to educate the public about such issues as drunk driving, underage consumption, and recycling. The beer and wine distributors create good-paying jobs, pay taxes, and give back to the community they serve. Our distributors are the key component in maintaining accountability for alcohol sales. They are licensed to comply with the state’s rules and regulations for alcohol beverage control.
Distributors are responsible for providing transportation, refrigerated storage, and maintenance for beer and wine products from the time they leave the supplier until they arrive at the retailer. After delivery, distributors monitor shelves to maintain product freshness and integrity.
Long Beverage is proud to be a key contributor to the family of North Carolina Beer and Wine distributors. North Carolina distributors contribute over 5,600 employees located around the state, their dedication ensures local store shelves are stocked in a safe, orderly fashion, and their dedication to policing the market. They guarantee the marketplace will not be infiltrated by counterfeit, unsafe, or bootleg products.
The distributors in North Carolina collectively provide employees with up-to-date, professional wages and competitive benefits, totaling $400 million annually.
NC Beer and Wine Distributors annually collects over $160 million in excise taxes for the State of North Carolina. The collection of distributors efficiently handles monthly excise taxes, providing a valuable state tax collection service. It is estimated NC Beer and Wine distributors pay $300 million annually in business and personal taxes to federal, state, and local governments.
Visit the North Carolina Beer & Wine Wholesalers Association page for more details
What is the Three-Tier System? The 21st Amendment to the Constitution grants states the authority to regulate alcohol within their borders, consistent with the desires and needs of its citizens. The USA has a three-tier system of distribution, composed of breweries/wineries, distributors and retailers. The three-tier system ensures a safe and transparent regulatory system for alcoholic beverages whose actions are easily monitored and controlled.
Long Beverage supports this legislation. Public support for state-based regulation and a strong three-tier system is validated by a recent survey conducted by the Center for Alcohol Policy (CAP). The CAP poll stated 72 percent believe states should regulate alcohol because it is different from other consumer goods and 81 percent support the rights of states to determine their own laws and regulations regarding the sale of alcohol.